Based on the consultations undertaken, and the organization purpose, mission and vision, ten (10) strategic goals were developed to reflect the impact expected at the end of the five-year plan. These were further broken down to strategic objectives and activities, as presented below
Our Vision
To be a leading development education services provider championingempowerment of rural communities.
Our Mission
To provide rural communities with superior quality developmenteducation services for their empowerment, sustainability, social justice and prosperity.
Our Core Values and Guiding Principles
- Professionalism – DESECE adopts a continuous assessment of training and capacity needs to be able to build a professional human resource base and ensure effective and efficient service delivery. It values professionalism and aspires for excellence, expertise and competency.
- Transparency and accountability – DESECE adheres to procedures of open management policy in meetings, financial matters and exchange of vital information for the growth of the organization.
- Integrity – DESECE requires its employees to commit themselves to observation of ethical and professional code of conduct at all times.
- Team work – DESECE shall create an environment that encourages the participation of all stakeholders. It nurtures trust, team spirit and consultation to maximize its synergies in working with others.
- Equity and equality – DESECE believes in equal value of all its employees and clients and promotes equal access to opportunities irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, religion, social status or political affiliation.
- Commitment – DESECE believes in total commitment to work performance for both self-fulfillment and organizational productivity.
- Collaboration and networking – Since no organization is an island unto itself, DESECE engages into collaboration and networking with similar organizations. It shall share openly trainings, skills and expertise. This is done with local as well as international stakeholders.
Strategic Goal
To improve knowledge and skills on sustainable agricultural practices for food sovereignty, income and marketing
Specific objective 1: To empower 81% of 917 farmers in Bungoma and Trans-Nzoia counties with relevant technology, knowledge and skills that will enable them practice sustainable agriculture by 2025.
- mobilization and awareness creation on group formation and dynamics
- Conduct trainings on compositing
- Train groups on tillage practices, seed selection and savings, farm management and IPM
- Practice training farmer groups on post-harvest handling including harvesting, grading, drying preservation and storage
- Conduct residential sustainable agriculture workshops
- Establish satellite demonstration plots
- Carry out Exchange programs for farmer groups for exposure to enable learn from successful enterprises
- Conduct staff capacity building, exposure training in relevant fields to improve their performance
- Conduct monthly, quarterly and bi-annual monitoring
Expected outcome
- Increased food security & health status
- Increase organic farming
- Improved food production and marketing
- Soil loss reduction
- Community members practice sustainable agriculture
Specific Objective 2: To empower the target farmers with relevant knowledge and skills that will enable them access market, sell produce and have diversified sources of income by 2025.
- Training groups on marketing
- Conduct market participatory research
- Carry out farmer participatory research
- Carry out entrepreneurial selection training
- Cost benefit analysis, formation production and disciplinary committee, business plan and regular follow ups
- Recruit Community animators
- Collect significant stories
- Establish cooperatives for farmers
- Conduct capacity building for microfinance groups
- Produce quarterly news letter
Expected outcomes
- Farmer groups sell their products to identified markets and earn income
- Poverty reduction
Strategic goal
To enable the small scale farmers achieve food security, healthier diets, resolve conflict sustainably and promote environmental protection.
Specific Objective 2.1: To empower farmer group men, women and youth with knowledge and skills in agro ecology practices
- Mobilization/awareness creation
- Train solidarity groups and schools on designing of food forest and bio-intensive kitchen gardens
- Train solidarity groups and schools on compositing, plant teas and nitrogenous crops
- Train solidarity groups and schools on water and soil conservation techniques
- Train solidarity groups and schools on planting and watering techniques
- Train solidarity groups and schools on IPM (Integrated Pesticide Management)
- Train solidarity groups and schools on hole preparation
- Establishment of food forest in solidarity groups and schools
- Establishment of nurseries for the production of tree and vegetable seedlings
- Conduct 2 follow ups after every activity
- Training SGs on roles of solidarity groups in Agro ecology
- Conduct follow up session on use of by-laws
- Training on leadership, group dynamics and group formation
Expected outcomes
Adoption of agro ecology practices for food security and healthier diets, by beneficiaries 34
Specific Objective2.2: Empower 5 peace committees in five villages of Mt. Elgon to support local communities resolve and manage conflicts
- Conduct 5, one day community awareness forums on land access and land rights in Mt. Elgon Sub County each targeting at least 70 people.
- Conduct a one day forum for 55 village elders, chiefs and opinion leaders on land issues.
- Conduct 2, 3 day training for 60 members of the peace committees on conflict resolution and mediation, Do-No-Harm and early warning systems.
- Each peace committees conducts bi-monthly meetings.
Expected outcome
Reduced land conflicts Improved access to resources such as land Sustainable conflict resolution Increased food production
Specific Objective 2.3: To empower 25% of local communities in Bungoma and Trans-Nzoia
- Sensitization of the local communities on the effects of climate change and environmental degradation.
- Establishment of tree nurseries in the communities/Centre for environmental conservation.
- Organize/run environmental campaign weeks
- Collaborate with other stakeholders with like minds for tree seedlings donation.
- Sensitize communities on soil and water conservation and rain water harvesting. mitigation measures
Expected outcome
Increased environmental protection Local communities aware of climate change effects and environmental degradation 35 counties to be aware of effects of climate change, environmental degradation, and initiate relevant mitigation measures by 2025. and plant trees in learning institutions initiated
Specific Objective 2.4: To promote staff development
- Leadership training for DESECE staff
- Conduct 12 monthly meetings for project team
- Carry out 4 exchange visit to successful SGs for the identified weak SGs.
- 5 day training for transformation for project staff organized by FO.
- Attend training for accounts clerk, animators and Technical Advisor organized by FO.
- 2 day think tank planning meeting
Expected outcome
- Effectiveness and efficiency in service delivery
- Sustained staff performance
Strategic Goal To foster gender and generational equity Tand equality To empower 25% of the youth, women and men of Bungoma county (400,000) in 100 villages with knowledge and skills to exploit their potential and opportunities in areas of gender and generational equity and equality by 2025
- Conduct community mobilization
- Conduct gender mainstreaming workshop
- Conduct one day trainings on behavior change
- To participate in 16 days of activisms on gender and generational and equality
- Conduct one day trainings on roles and responsibilities in the communities
- Conduct monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, annual monitoring and evaluation
- Participate in 16 days of activisms on gender and generational equity
- Carry out mobilization and awareness creation on reproductive health.
- Conduct one day training workshop with girls on human rights and reproductive health.
- Sensitization meetings through national level advocacy campaigns on access to justice and awareness raising through civic education.
- Conduct 3 days empowerment workshop training to young girls.
- Provision/ distribution of sanitary towels and school uniform to the needy girls in school.
- Training young girls on home economic care.
- Formation of child rights clubs in 5 schools to curb violation cases.
- Hold youth dialogue to discuss
Expected Outcome
- Increased equal opportunities and responsibilities at all levels for men, women & youth
- Reduced gender based violence
- increased equal opportunities for education of boys and girls
- increased equal access to employment for women, men and youth 37 To promote the education and empowerment of poor/needy girls
- Increased retention of girls in school colleges and universities.
- Improved education status of girls
- Improved decision making among girls on sexuality
- Reduced reported cases of early pregnancies and STDs.
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Conduct follow ups.
Strategic Goal To promote civic education, social justice and human rights
Objective To empower 75% of 917 community members to engage their leaders/curb human rights violations, ensure good governance, advocate for citizen participation in community development by 2025
- .Carry out mobilization and awareness creation on human rights and gender equality
- Train groups in entrepreneurial skills using ERI approach (Enabling Rural Innovation)
- Conduct Human Rights trainings to enable people understand their legal rights and responsibilities in protection of human rights.
- Identify and train paralegals in one day workshop
- Engage paralegals in identifying and reporting human rights violations
- Refer human rights violation cases for redress
- Mediate upon human rights cases
- Identify and provide legal aid to needy cases
- Establish networks and collaborations with other stakeholders
- Follow up on human rights mediation cases
- Conduct Child rights sensitization in schools
- Train community members on child rights policies
- Conduct civic education on elections, constitution, and election monitoring
- Conduct civic education and awareness campaigns on public participation by citizens
Expected Outcome
- Increased awareness and responsiveness to gender equality and human rights protection
- Informed community on human rights
- Increased citizen participation in community development
Strategic Goal
To enable community members make responsible and informed choices on reproductive health
- Empower 70% of 13,680 people to have sustainable families through education on family planning, sexual and reproductive health, spread, and prevention of HIV/AIDS, STIs, FGM and safe motherhood by 2025.
- To raise the level of health awareness in the community
- Monthly planning meeting of Rain Workers
with their specific supervisors - Refresher Training for 38 Rain workers
- Exchange program with other Rain Workers
in the other parts of the country - Monthly training 2 sessions of each of the 38
Rain Workers in the community - Monthly outreach sessions in 76 schools
- Monthly report writing
- Monthly monitoring and evaluation
- Training of 30 community opinion leaders in
Mt. Elgon on dangers of FGM - Awareness training on prevention of
unwanted pregnancies, HIV/AIDs, STIs and
FGM - Training of youth and families on family
planning - Provision of sanitary towels to girls in
schools - To conduct awareness on hygiene practices
at individual, household and community
levels. - Conduct basic home economic trainings.
Expected Outcome
- Access to safe
reproductive health
& sexual services - Informed choices on
family planning - Reduced cases of
pregnancies, HIV,
STIs and FGM. - Reduced child and
maternal mortality. - Improved access to
sanitary towels - Reduced
stigmatization for
girls - Improved hygiene
Strategic Goal
To enable community members make responsible and informed choices on reproductive health
- Empower 70% of 13,680 people to have sustainable families through education on family planning, sexual and reproductive health, spread, and prevention of HIV/AIDS, STIs, FGM and safe motherhood by 2025.
- To raise the level of health awareness in the community
Strategic Goal
To promote peace and reconciliation
25% of the communities ( youth, women and men) in Bungoma and Trans-Nzoia counties empowered with skills and knowledge in conflict prevention, resolution and peaceful coexistence by 2025
- Conduct conflict transformation trainings.
- Conduct peace tournament for different ethnic groups.
- Conduct trainings on causes of conflict and conflict management in communities and families
- Undertake Advocacy campaigns as well as training on equal opportunities in the control of resources
- Conduct community mobilization
- Carry out awareness creation on peace building
- Conduct conflict transformationresidential training with representatives drawn from different ethnic groups.
- Conduct residential training on Alternative dispute resolutions (ADR)
- Run peace campaign in the communities
Expected Outcome
- Conflict prevention
- Improved relations & peaceful coexistence
- Increased peace and harmony
- Improved access and control over resource
Strategic Goal
To enable community members make responsible and informed choices on reproductive health
- Empower 70% of 13,680 people to have sustainable families through education on family planning, sexual and reproductive health, spread, and prevention of HIV/AIDS, STIs, FGM and safe motherhood by 2025.
- To raise the level of health awareness in the community
Strategic Goal
To promote peace and reconciliation
25% of the communities ( youth, women and men) in Bungoma and Trans-Nzoia counties empowered with skills and knowledge in conflict prevention, resolution and peaceful coexistence by 2025
- Conduct conflict transformation trainings.
- Conduct peace tournament for different ethnic groups.
- Conduct trainings on causes of conflict and conflict management in communities and families
- Undertake Advocacy campaigns as well as training on equal opportunities in the control of resources
- Conduct community mobilization
- Carry out awareness creation on peace building
- Conduct conflict transformationresidential training with representatives drawn from different ethnic groups.
- Conduct residential training on Alternative dispute resolutions (ADR)
- Run peace campaign in the communities
Expected Outcome
- Conflict prevention
- Improved relations & peaceful coexistence
- Increased peace and harmony
- Improved access and control over resource
Strategic Goal
To enhance leadership and management skills
Specific Objective 7.1: To enable 25% of the rural people and other disadvantaged groups to gain leadership skills to take charge of their destiny in all matters of social development and self-reliance.
- Conduct 3 phase DELTA residential training using T.F.T
- Conduct 3 phase WINDOW residential training using T.F.T
- Carry out listening survey for generative themes
- Carry out social economic survey for service delivery in different sectors
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Recruit and train Training of Trainers(T.O.T) in the phased programs
- Conduct follow-ups
Expected Outcome
- Enabled community on the changes needed
- Improved working environment
- Community members empowered with leadership skills
- poverty reduction
- improved living conditions
- enhanced self-reliance
Specific Objective 7.2: To undertake capacity building for the board and management
- Human resource training for the Board
- Revise and review DESECE policies
- Establish resource mobilization Team
- Recruitment of additional staff (accounts clerk, Technical Advisor and 1 additional animator in Mt. Elgon)
- Update Website
- Install applications on staff reading materials on smart phones
Expected Outcome
- Effective and efficient management & leadership
Objective 7.3 To improve the service delivery of DESECE organization
- Maintenance of the buildings
- Budget for local travels and transport
- Gratuity and pension for staff
- Replacement of vehicle/motorcycles
Expected Outcome
- Improved service delivery of DESECE organization
Objective 7.4 To provide tools and equipment to vocational training centers (VTC) in Trans-Nzoia by 2025.
- Training of tutors on repair and maintenance of machines.
- To support vocational schooling and small scale entrepreneurs with skills.
- Capacity building training of the students in regard to marketing and entrepreneurial skills.
- Provision of tools to work startup capital.
- Recruitment/selection of students who qualify for a sewing machine.
- To hold board meetings with representatives from the VTCs.
- Distribution of the sewing Machines to the VTC’s.
- Conduct follow up to monitor and evaluate the number of the machines issued to the students in VTCs.
Expected Outcome
- Increased Knowledge and skills in sewing, Repair and maintenance of machines. Increased knowledge and skills among the young persons in vocational Training centers (VTCs)
Strategic Goal
To lobby and advocate for good governance and respect for the rule of law
Train and empower 70% of 1860 community members in Bungoma and Trans-Nzoia counties to undertake their role in ensuring that governments are transparent, accountable and offering adequate services by 2025
- Organize open fora to discuss on citizen participation
- Advocate and lobby for respect for justice and rule of law
- Conduct community dialogue forums at the village level with stakeholders and community members on management of funds
- Conduct trainings on social audit and advocacy ability
- Analyze and disseminate information to the citizen on county/national policies
- Carry out evident based learning within the county on existing policies
- Carry out gender analysis
- Organize forums with county officials and members of county assembly to discuss on county policies
- Organize and run media talks based on county policies
- Collaborate and network with other CSOs in the county
- Mobilization and sensitization of communities.
- Carryout evident based research.
- Run campaigns to influence opinions and decisions of policy makers and implementers.
- Involve the media in all activities
Expected Outcome
- Community participation in governance Adequate service provision
Strategic Goal
To enhance literacy levels and inculcate culture of reading in the community
To improve the educational status of over 30% of all the youth in the target communities. To enable above 20% of the disadvantaged community members to attain basic literacy skills.
- Recruitment of qualified reading room attendant
- Marketing of the reading services
- Develop reading room rules and guidelines for the readers
- Purchasing of resource materials
- Organizing events on reading materials and book harvesting
- Creating awareness of the importance of the community reading room to relevant stakeholders
- Conduct reading sessions
- Conduct competition on reading, spelling, storytelling, singing, dance and debating
Expected Outcome
- Enhanced reading practices Improved literacy levels
Strategic Goal
To Promote sustainability of the organization through the hospitality center and resource mobilization
Specific Objective 10.1: To offer 70% quality and friendly accommodation, conferencing and catering services to DESECE residential trainings and customers while generating income for self- sustainability by 2025.
- Recruitment of qualified personnel (manager, housekeeper, and catering staff)
- Marketing of the hospitality facilities
- Furnishing of the guest house – beddings, utensils and furniture Design and print promotional materials for kitchen products.
- Purchasing organic foods from the model farm
- Purchasing of tents, furniture, materials and equipment.
- Organize outside catering
- Purchasing public address system
- Hosting of indoor games
- Provide market for organically produced foods from the beneficiaries
- Capacity building for hospitality staff
- Sourcing for insurance policy cover for facility, equipment and staff
- Drilling borehole for permanent source of water.
Expected Outcome
- Quality services offered Revenue generated
Specific Objective 10.2: To diversify and widen avenues for resource mobilization
- Initiate poultry farming
- Initiate dairy farming
- Initiate pig farming
- Initiate carpentry project
- Initiate Bakery project
- Offering Consultancy services
- Fund raising/donations in kind
- Hosting all the trainings, workshops, seminars, meetings and social events
- Hosting Breakfast meetings
- Collection Centre for indigenous seeds for market
Expected Outcome
- Resource avenues increased Revenue generated