Empowering Communities

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Our Vision

To provide vulnerable communities with superior quality development education services in climate change adaptation, poverty reduction and social justice for their empowerment, sustainability and prosperity.

Our Mission

A leading development education service provider championing social justice and poverty reduction in the community.

Who We Are

DESECE started as a CBO in 1993 with DELTA, WINDOW, Civic Education (Human Rights, Peace and Reconciliation), Mainstreaming Gender, and HIV and Aids, and organic Agriculture as its main activities additionally due to expanding needs DESEE is also implementing Policy Dialogue, Reproductive Health, Community Library, Hospitality and Agro-ecology. In 2006, the organization transformed itself into an NGO status (now DESECE) because there was need to cover an expanded target population in the region

Free of Poverty and Injustice

DESECE organization endeavors to deliver quality services, and has undertaken an ambitious step in developing the second strategic plan. The development of this plan has largely been informed by lessons from the evaluation reports, reviews of DESECE programs and activities, views and feedback from the community served, as well as evaluation of the performance of the first strategic plan (2012-2016). The technical approach and methodology followed for development of this plan was highly consultative and participatory in nature. The DESECE Vision is to be: “A leading service provider championing empowerment of rural communities.” It captures the dreams and aspirations of all our stakeholders and charts the direction the organization will take to make Bungoma and parts of Trans-Nzoia and Kakamega counties free of poverty and injustice. To pursue our vision and mission, DESECE has to strengthen the implementation of key strategies under

the ten (10) identified pillars as described in this strategic plan. The organization will learn from past experiences, reflect and improve on the programmes in the counties with the aim of increasing the local people’s capacities for enhancing and shaping their own lives. DESECE will align its activities to the specific needs and expectation of the beneficiary communities and implement strategies to realize outcomes, and
desired results of the interventions The strategic plan entails the strategies and activities /services that will be implemented to deliver key strategic objectives. To this end, outcome and their indicators have been developed. Quarterly and annual targets have been set and indicative budgets for all activities for the entire 5 year period has been done. Finally, I call upon all stakeholders to actively participate in the implementation of this strategic plan as we work towards attaining our vision and mission.

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Guiding Principle
Transparency and Accountability
DESECE adheres to
procedures of open management policy in meetings, financial
matters and exchange of vital information for the growth of the
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